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Great Science-Fiction & Fantasy Works

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Further Beyond: Available Copies

Notes: the sort order is by total price (that is, with shipping included), from lowest on up. The background colors for each seller listing are keyed to the listed condition of the book, to enable you to quickly scan for conditions of interest to you. The codes are as follows:
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Below are all 10 responses from AbeBooks:

Further Beyond: A Lovecraftian Science Fiction Novel
    by Stableford, Brian

    ISBN: 9781479427994
    Publisher: Wildside Press (2021)

    Seller: Lucky's Textbooks (Dallas, TX, U.S.A.)
    New Book
    Book Price: $14.22
    Shipping: $3.99
    TOTAL Cost: $18.21

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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).

Further Beyond A Lovecraftian Science Fiction Novel
    by Brian Stableford

    ISBN: 9781479427994
    Publisher: Wildside Press (2017)

    Seller: US (Wood Dale, IL, U.S.A.)
    New Book
    Book Price: $20.72
    Shipping: Free!
    TOTAL Cost: $20.72

New Book. Shipped from UK. THIS BOOK IS PRINTED ON DEMAND. Established seller since 2000.

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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).

Further Beyond A Lovecraftian Science Fiction Novel
    by Brian Stableford

    ISBN: 9781479427994
    Publisher: Wildside Press (2017)

    Seller: UK (Fairford, GLOS, United Kingdom)
    New Book
    Book Price: $19.34
    Shipping: $5.39
    TOTAL Cost: $24.73

New Book. Delivered from our UK warehouse in 4 to 14 business days. THIS BOOK IS PRINTED ON DEMAND. Established seller since 2000

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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).

Further Beyond: A Lovecraftian Science Fiction Novel
    by Brian Stableford

    ISBN: 9781479427994
    Publisher: Wildside Press (2021)

    Seller: THE SAINT BOOKSTORE (Southport, United Kingdom)
    New Book
    Book Price: $19.54
    Shipping: $12.12
    TOTAL Cost: $31.66

This item is printed on demand. New copy - Usually dispatched within 5-9 working days 260

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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).

Further Beyond: A Lovecraftian Science Fiction Novel
    by Stableford, Brian

    ISBN: 9781479427994
    Publisher: Wildside Press (2021)

    Seller: GF Books, Inc. (Hawthorne, CA, U.S.A.)
    New Book
    Book Price: $32.18
    Shipping: Free!
    TOTAL Cost: $32.18

Book is in NEW condition. 0.45

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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).

Further Beyond: A Lovecraftian Science Fiction Novel
    by Stableford, Brian

    ISBN: 9781479427994
    Publisher: Wildside Press (2021)

    Seller: Ria Christie Collections (Uxbridge, United Kingdom)
    New Book
    Book Price: $16.92
    Shipping: $15.53
    TOTAL Cost: $32.45


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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).

Further Beyond: A Lovecraftian Science Fiction Novel
    by Stableford, Brian

    ISBN: 9781479427994
    Publisher: Wildside Press 2017-07 (2017)

    Seller: Chiron Media (Wallingford, United Kingdom)
    New Book
    Book Price: $13.72
    Shipping: $20.08
    TOTAL Cost: $33.80

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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).

    by Stableford, Brian

    ISBN: 9781479427994
    Publisher: Wildside Press (2021)

    Seller: Brook Bookstore On Demand (Napoli, NA, Italy)
    New Book
    Book Price: $23.67
    Shipping: $12.12
    TOTAL Cost: $35.79

Questo è un articolo print on demand

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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).

Further Beyond : A Lovecraftian Science Fiction Novel
    by Brian Stableford

    ISBN: 9781479427994
    Publisher: Wildside Press (2021)

    Seller: AHA-BUCH GmbH (Einbeck, Germany)
    New Book
    Book Price: $26.27
    Shipping: $31.67
    TOTAL Cost: $57.94

nach der Bestellung gedruckt Neuware - Printed after ordering - Crawford Tillinghast was killed when a machine that he built in order to break down the barriers between dimensions exploded, and his three domestic servants disappeared, leaving his old friend David Dearden as the only witness to the catastrophe. Now Dearden has to return to the house where the unexplained tragedy occurred. in order to help Tillinghast's widow put the estate in order. Three scholars with whom Tillinghast had been in correspondence regarding his research are also there, avid to get their hands on the remains of the machine and any documents the scientists might have left behind. The accounts they give of their correspondence with the scientist allow Dearden to form a clearer picture of what might have happened on the fatal night -- but in the meantime, he begins to realize that the phenomenon might yet be repeated, with fatal consequences not merely for the inhabitants of the house, but for the entire region of the north-eastern United States -- and perhaps the world -- unless he can find a way to stop it.

Click the button below to go to this seller’s detailed offer page.

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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).

Further Beyond
    by Stableford, Brian

    ISBN: 9781479427994
    Publisher: Wildside Press (2017)

    Seller: moluna (Greven, Germany)
    New Book
    Book Price: $22.60
    Shipping: $53.33
    TOTAL Cost: $75.93

KlappentextrnrnCrawford Tillinghast was killed when a machine that he built in order to break down the barriers between dimensions exploded, and his three domestic servants disappeared, leaving his old friend David Dearden as the only witness to.

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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).

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