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Moral Metafiction: The Novels of Timothy Findley: Available Copies
Notes: the sort order is by total price (that is, with shipping included), from lowest on up. The background colors for each seller listing are keyed to the listed condition of the book, to enable you to quickly scan for conditions of interest to you. The codes are as follows:
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Below are all 2 responses from AbeBooks:
Moral Metafiction : The Novels of Timothy Findley by Pennee, Donna
ISBN: 9781550221381
Publisher: E C W Press, Toronto (1991)
Seller: The Bookseller (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
Used Book—Condition: Good
Book Price: $12.19
Shipping: $10.99
TOTAL Cost: $23.18
A little edge and corner wear. Pencil and red ink underlining and marginalia on first 20 and last 3 pages. Otherwise a square, tight book. 117 pp.
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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).
Moral Metafiction: The Novels of Timothy Findley by Donna Pennee
ISBN: 9781550221381
Publisher: EcW Press, Toronto (1991)
Seller: Edmonton Book Store (Edmonton, AB, Canada)
Used Book—Condition: Very Good
Book Price: $15.00
Shipping: $14.00
TOTAL Cost: $29.00
8vo pp. 117, "Examines Findley's novels, from The Last of the Crazy People through The Telling of Lies, for the ways in which their use of metafictive devices pose specifically ethical challenges for readers. Findley's novels dramatize the process of interpretation and interrogation of dominant discourses from the point of view of those subjects either already?
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