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Great Science-Fiction & Fantasy Works
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No Life of Their Own and Other Stories: Available Copies
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Below are all 15 responses from AbeBooks:
No Life of Their Own : And Other Stories by Simak, Clifford D.; Wixon, David W. (INT)
ISBN: 9781504060332
Publisher: Open Road Integrated Media, Inc. (2020)
Seller: GreatBookPrices (Columbia, MD, U.S.A.) New Book
Book Price: $22.48
Shipping: $2.64
TOTAL Cost: $25.12
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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).
No Life of Their Own : And Other Stories by Clifford D Simak
ISBN: 9781504060332
Publisher: Chicago Review Press Inc DBA Indepe Jan 2020 (2020)
Seller: AHA-BUCH GmbH (Einbeck, Germany) New Book
Book Price: $40.84
Shipping: $32.46
TOTAL Cost: $73.30
Neuware - Twelve classic tales of the unknown from the Hugo and Nebula Awardwinning author ofWay Station. Clifford D. Simak had a sublime ability to evoke a lost way of life. He spent his youth in rural Wisconsin, a landscape filled with mysterious hollows, cliffs, dark forests, and the Wisconsin River flowing in its deep-cut valley. As Simak wandered the countryside and the ridges, he peopled them with imaginary characters who later came to life in his stories. One such individual is Johnny, the orphaned farm boy of "The Contraption," who stumbles upon a wrecked starship and receives a priceless gift from its owners. Another is the old prospector Eli, whose surprising discoveries on Mercury get him killed in "Spaceship in a Flask." In "Huddling Place," a man with paralyzing agoraphobia is the only one who can save the life of a dear friend on Marsif he can bear to make the trip. And in the title story, aliens slowly take over Earth while humans leave it behind and head for the Homestead Planets. Each story includes an introduction by David W. Wixon, literary executor of the Clifford D. Simak estate and editor of this book.
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(Clicking here will not buy the book—you would do that, if you so choose, from their page).
No Life of Their Own: And Other Stories by Simak, Clifford D.
ISBN: 9781504060332
Publisher: OPEN ROAD MEDIA SCI FI & FANTA (2020)
Seller: moluna (Greven, Germany) New Book
Book Price: $33.81
Shipping: $53.33
TOTAL Cost: $87.14
Über den AutorDuring his fifty-five-year career, CLIFFORD D. SIMAK produced some of the most iconic science fiction stories ever written. Born in 1904 on a farm in southwestern Wisconsin, Simak got a job at a small-town newspap.
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