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214 S. ; 22 cm. Tadelloses Exemplar. // Englisch. // The book discusses the evolution of the urban chronotope in the selected novels by Peter Ackroyd, an acclaimed British author. The examined narratives illustrate the transformation from the postmodern tenets of historiographic metafiction into a unique urban mythopoetics by means of a semiotic analysis. - "In her book, Marta Komsta meticulously analyzes the evolution of the urban chronotope in ten of Ackroyd's novels written over more than thirty' years. In doing so, it takes an unusually nuanced position in the ongoing debate about postmodernism's relation to history, demonstrating how Ackroyd's flagrantly metafictional and performative works tire at the same time deeply, complexly and sincerely historiographical." John M. Krafft Miami University, Ohio. / (Verlagstext) - INHALT : Introduction --- Chapter 1. The Society of the Spectacle --- The Great Fire of London --- The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde --- Dan Leno and the Limehouse Golem --- Chapter 2. A Lesson in Anatomy --- English Music --- The Clerkenwell Tales --- Chapter 3. Domus Obscurata, or the Darkened House --- Hawksmoor --- The House of Doctor Dee --- Chapter 4. Coincidentia Oppositorum, or the Unity of the Opposites. --- The Plato Papers --- The Fall of Troy --- Chapter 5. The Eternal City --- Three Brothers --- Conclusion --- Bibliography --- Index. ISBN 9783631626184 Sprache: Englisch Gewicht in Gramm: 383
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1st edition. 214 pages. 8.50x6.00x0.75 inches. In Stock. This item is printed on demand.
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This item is printed on demand - it takes 3-4 days longer - Neuware -The book discusses the evolution of the urban chronotope in the selected novels by Peter Ackroyd, an acclaimed British author. The examined narratives illustrate the transformation from the postmodern tenets of historiographic metafiction into a unique urban mythopoetics by means of a semiotic analysis. 214 pp. Englisch
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Druck auf Anfrage Neuware - Printed after ordering - The book discusses the evolution of the urban chronotope in the selected novels by Peter Ackroyd, an acclaimed British author. The examined narratives illustrate the transformation from the postmodern tenets of historiographic metafiction into a unique urban mythopoetics by means of a semiotic analysis.
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The book discusses the evolution of the urban chronotope in the selected novels by Peter Ackroyd, an acclaimed British author. The examined narratives illustrate the transformation from the postmodern tenets of historiographic metafiction into a unique urba.
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